Did Julia Michaels feat. Selena Gomez take singing lessons?

Singing journey: Julia Michaels feat. Selena Gomez

Singing lessons, teachers, coaches & vocal technique uncovered

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Discovering the Vocal Techniques of Julia Michaels and Selena Gomez

Julia Michaels and Selena Gomez, both immensely talented artists in their own right, have captivated audiences worldwide with their unique vocal styles. Their collaboration on the hit song "Anxiety" showcased their harmonious blend and emotional depth, leaving many fans wondering about their journey to vocal proficiency, including whether they took singing lessons and who their coaches were.

Julia Michaels began her career as a songwriter, which allowed her to fine-tune her understanding of melody and emotion before stepping into the spotlight as a performer. Although specific details about her formal singing training are scarce, the nuanced control and emotional expression in her performances suggest a combination of natural talent and possible vocal training.

Selena Gomez, on the other hand, has been in the public eye since a young age, with her career starting in children's television. Over the years, Gomez has worked with several vocal coaches, including Stevie Mackey, to navigate the transition from acting to a music career successfully. Her dedication to improving her vocal skills through lessons and daily vocal exercises is well-documented.

For singers aspiring to achieve similar vocal skills, focusing on finding your authentic voice and maintaining vocal health are crucial steps. Regular practices, such as those offered in Pitch Training by Singing Carrots, can help in honing pitch accuracy and range. Additionally, the Vocal Range Test can be a starting point to understand your current capabilities and set realistic goals for improvement.

Implementing vocal techniques like Twang and Vibrato, as seen in these skill-related videos, can also contribute to developing a distinctive singing voice. Moreover, singers should not overlook the importance of emotional connection and storytelling in performances, an aspect both Michaels and Gomez excel in.

Whether you're interested in pop, jazz, or classical singing, exploring various singing techniques and genres can enrich your vocal performances. Remember, the journey to becoming a better singer is personal and requires patience, practice, and passion.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.

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